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HomeHosting ArticlesCloud Hosting Definition

Cloud Hosting Definition

Cloud hosting is a quite modish term nowadays. Nonetheless, just a few are aware of what it does really indicate. The bulk of the web hosting suppliers speculate fiercely about plans defined as being 'cloud hosting'. Especially the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting providers. Because of the complete shortage of new business ideas, the cPanel web hosts are simply utilizing trendy phrases, striving to lure more website hosting customers with disingenuous marketing techniques.

cPanel - a single server web hosting solution

To cut a long story short, cPanel is a one server hosting platform. A single web server serves all website hosting services at one and the same time. On the other hand, the cloud hosting platform requires each individual web hosting service, such as storage space, email, File Transfer Protocol, databases, DNS, statistics, website hosting Control Panel, backup, etc. to be served by several packs of cutting-edge servers in a cluster. All the clusters generate the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the above-mentioned hosting services are all being served at one and the same time by 1 single server. This means that no 'clouds' can be encountered around cPanel-based website hosting merchants. Not even one single cloud...

The gigantic marketing trick with cloud hosting packages

Be careful with the countless fraud assertions guaranteeing you 'cloud hosting' services, chiefly propagated by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web hosting supplier arrogantly asserts that a 'cloud' web hosting solution is being offered, check whether it's not a mist or a fog in the first place. Almost everyone speculates with the term 'cloud', ultimately relying on the circumstance that the majority of the customers do not realize what it does in reality denote.

Let's be more positive and get back to the genuine cloud hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud hosting Control Panel platform

Hepsia is a cutting-edge cloud hosting solution linked to an advanced easy-to-work-with web hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud hosting platform and the respective website hosting Control Panel are created by - a professional reseller hosting merchant from 2003. Unfortunately, it's an indeed unusual circumstance to discover a web hosting merchant supplying a cloud hosting platform on the marketplace. For unfamiliar reasons, Google favors cPanel-based web hosting firms mainly. That is why we think it's advisable for people in need of a website hosting solution to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud website hosting platform.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud hosting environment

Each web hosting service droplet in Hepsia's 'cloud' is attended to by an autonomous cluster of servers, dedicated solely to the particular service at hand, sharing the load produced. So, the website hosting Control Panel is being handled by a different host of web servers, which serve the hosting Control Panel exclusively and nothing else. There is another stack of servers for the mail, one more for the web space, another for the backup, one more for the stats, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, etc. All these groups of servers run as one complete web hosting service, the so-called 'cloud hosting' service.

Cloud hosting services with

We have chosen Hepsia as our main web hosting platform, so that we can offer top cloud hosting services to our customers. All of our hosting offers comes packed with the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and all of it's free bonuses. But don't take our word for it, you can go check out for yourself in the control panel demo.